December 5, 2024

Changing Weather, Traveling for Groceries

This morning started out with light snowfall and temperatures below freezing. This did not stop Charlie from wanting to go outside before sunrise. By the time I got us both bundled up, there was light in the sky, although it was very gray and the wind was blowing. We hurried through his walk and came back inside. He took a long nap, and the sunshine showed up while he was sleeping.

Since the heavy snow did not reach us, I felt safe making a drive to Northern Virginia to buy some of the groceries that I can’t find around home. I left Charlie in daycare at the veterinary. The roundtrip drive is over three hours, and Charlie would not have liked it. I don’t like it much either, but I do like having some allergy-safe treats. The dry goods are also available online, but not the refrigerated foods. We are outside their delivery range. Allison has kindly picked up a few items at Whole Foods in the past, but that store doesn’t carry some of my favorites any more. Like other chain stores, they are losing the qualities that made them distinctive. 

These are a few of the items I picked up at Mom’s Organic Market. I use goat milk dairy products because cow’s milk gives me horrible cramps.

As usual, I ran into traffic on the way home. By 4 o’clock, the sun was getting low in the sky, and it made driving southwest painful to the eyes. I made a detour through Middletown and stopped to take some pictures near Belle Grove.


  1. The sunset is just so beautiful

  2. Cute photo of Charlie. Love the sky captures.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. Glad you found what you were looking for after the long drive.

  4. Lovely scenes. Yes, we have stormy wheather too here. It`s wintertime.

    Greetings by Heidrun

  5. Beautiful pre-sunset glow. Nice that you were able to pick up some items you couldn't get locally and had someone who could watch Charlie. Alana

  6. Our favorite treats should certainly be more easily obtained! But my treat is getting to see these photos on your detour!

  7. Beautiful skies. Charlie looks like such a sweet dog!

  8. You are such a good mom to Charlie. A doggie day care is a good idea.
    I've never tried goat milk products. I don't drink milk any longer. When I was a kid we lived up in the mountains so my parents bought powdered milk, yuckkkkkkkk!

  9. I understand your need to drive to get the products that you want/need. I am about an hour away from better grocery selections and being choosy is important, I think. Nice to see Charlie snuggled up taking a nap. Thank you for linking up and I hope to see you back again.


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