October 9, 2024

Views at Natural Chimneys Park

Mount Solon, VA

It had been 19 years since I last visited Natural Chimneys in Augusta County, so yesterday I went back. The main attraction of the park is the stand of rock towers that were naturally formed of limestone and dolomite. 

There are other rock chimneys in our region due to the tendency of limestone to erode, but they are not visible in such an impressive group.

 It’s easy to imagine that the formations are the turrets of a castle, and this inspired an annual jousting tournament here. You cannot explore inside the fenced area though, because rocks sometimes fall off the chimneys

For me, it’s easy to imagine faces in the rocks. This one reminded me of a raptor.

I wished I had brought my camera that has a telephone lens instead of just my cell phone. You can barely see two vultures flying in the next photo. 

Here is a close-up of a black vulture that I took a few years ago using a zoom lens. Their faces are not pretty, but they soar beautifully on the wind currents.

I took other pictures at the park, but they will have to wait. Natural Chimneys Park is open year-round, although the campground closes at the end of October. The autumn colors are just starting; leaves on the ground were yellow but looked very tired, probably stressed by the summer drought.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating rocks! Enjoy the rest of your week and thankyou for visiting my blog this week.


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