October 10, 2024

Storms Varying

As Florida dealt with yet another hurricane today (named Milton), we got notice of a geomagnetic storm and the likelihood that we might be able to see northern lights here in Virginia. Well, quite a few people were able to see them. I heard that a stream of traffic headed up Skyline Drive to view them from the overlooks. Since I am responsible for an anxious dog as well as being old and jaded, I did not bother, even though I saw some great pictures that people took last night of this phenomenon. They admitted, however, that they did not see as much with the naked eye as was picked up by the camera.

So I don't have any pictures of the aurora for you today. All I have is a twilight sky from a few weeks ago.

And here is the anxious dog that I mentioned. He is doing better in many ways, like riding in the car without panicking, but he still gets upset when I leave him by himself. I was gone for an hour today to run some errands, and it was obvious when I came back that he had been running around the living room, drooling as he went. He doesn’t do that when I’m home. 

Poor Charlie spent nine months in a cage before he was rescued, plus I think he was separated from his mother too soon. But we’ve made progress, and he is a sweet fellow.


  1. Poor doggie. Good thing you understand him so well. Seeing the aurora borealis in my city is also a rare event and I never rush out to try and capture it when they are expected. I haven't seen one since I was a child. I grew up in the north and they were a regular event.

  2. Pretty sky capture! Love your cute Charlie, I am glad you were able to rescue him. Hubby and I were able to see the Aurora last night, with our eyes it was such a pretty pink color. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.


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