October 13, 2024

Greenmount Church and Countryside

Rockingham County, VA

I came across this church in a farm community north of Harrisonburg. It is a “Covenant Brethren Church.”  I had to look that up. I was familiar with Church of the Brethren, which is Anabaptist, and saw that the denomination split off in 2020 after finding that the Brethren Church was getting too open-minded for their conservative tastes, which seems quite sad. 

When I took the pictures, the sky was clear and the shadows were very strong. I lightened them a bit so that the pretty windows would show up.

From the parking lot, I could view a nearby farm and also a hill which I believe is Mole Hill, a volcanic feature. Usually I see that monadnock from a different direction.


  1. Very beautiful scenery. Yes, it does seem sad to disapprove of open-mindedness. That's something to encourage, thinking for ourselves.

  2. Splendid photos and interesting history of the church. We need more open mindedness, and humanity.

  3. What a pretty little church. How sad that open-mindedness gets viewed as something bad.


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