October 12, 2024

Friday at Dickey Ridge.

Yesterday I drove to Front Royal to pick up a few things at the supermarket and could not resist a brief visit to Skyline Drive. The Dickey Ridge Visitor Center is less than five miles from town and it has great views.

There’s a black dog resting behind the bench. Dogs are welcome in the park except on a few trails where bear activity is hazardous to dogs. The bears here leave people alone unless they have food, but sometimes regard a dog as a threat to be vanquished.

The colors are just starting to change. Autumn is a very popular time to visit the park. Go on a weekday even if you have to take time off work. Weekends in fall foliage season are so busy that there are long lines at the entrance stations and it can be impossible to find parking spots at the overlooks. If you absolutely must come on a weekend, get there early in the morning or use the southern entrance to the park.

I saw some white tailed deer, and got pictures of one of them.
I could not linger very long because I needed to retrieve Charlie from daycare. Here is a picture of him with a painterly filter, followed by one that Lynn took today as she was rubbing his chest.

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