October 27, 2024

Elkwallow to Thornton Gap

Shenandoah National Park

This post is a continuation of yesterday‘s account of my autumnal journey on Skyline Drive. I took way too many photos for one post, even after winnowing them down to my favorites. 

I stopped at the store at Elkwallow Wayside and then drove through the picnic area. There are no elk here, although they have been re-introduced into Virginia in a far corner of the state. 

I stopped at a few more overlooks.

By the time I reached Pass Mountain Overlook, I was ready to stretch my legs, and there’s a short trail that is not strenuous. 

From there, it’s a short drive to the exit to Route 211. I’m glad I went when I did. The colorful foliage does not last very long and I avoided the weekend crowds.

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