October 26, 2024

A Quick and Colorful Week

How can it be Saturday already? The days are flying by. Well, I have some more pictures from Skyline Drive to share, but first here is a picture of Charlie, with a colorful filter from Picsart.

The colors of autumn are in their glory in the mountains. I went up to Skyline Drive twice this week. On Tuesday, I invited Deborah and Frank to go with me because they had expressed an interest in doing so. She brought her cute dog along. 

We entered Skyline Drive at Thornton Gap and drove south to route 33, where we exited. The skies were clear and the views were colorful.

On Thursday, I had a dental appointment in Front Royal, the town at the northern end of Shenandoah National Park. I have a National Parks pass, so I couldn’t resist going back up on Skyline Drive again. I covered the northern section of the park this time, exiting at Thornton Gap. 

I ate lunch in the picnic area at Dickey Ridge, and then continued south. The tulip poplars were in their golden glory at Low Gap, and I took way too many pictures. I won’t bore you with all of them, since I have featured them on my blog several times in the past. 

A few miles south of there, I saw deer beside the road in spite of it being busy with autumn tourists. I pulled into the parking lot at Jenkins Gap, and spotted a buck browsing nearby. He did not run off when I quietly got out of the car to take pictures. He moved away and then returned, looking at me curiously

Thank you, Mr. Buck, for trusting me and posing. 

I continued my journey, but I’m going to stop this post here because my eyes are getting tired, and for all I know, maybe yours are too.


  1. The autumn scenes are so lovely

  2. The trees along the Skyline drive are beautiful, hubby and I went last Monday. Love your Cute Charlie and the other cute pup. The deer are not shy in the park, we saw a few deer too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. ...time slips by too quickly.

  4. We are passing through that area again this January. Last year we did not take Skyline Drive. Barb has finished our itinerary, but I will have to see if we can change it to include it this year!

  5. Autumn is really lovely in your part of the world!
    And we love that colourful artification of sweet Charlie!


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