September 26, 2024

Weather and Dog Anxiety

After a dry summer produced a drought and water use restrictions, we were glad to get some rain. Some of it was produced by a tropical storm, and now Hurricane Helene is causing flooding in Florida. We don't know how much rain we will get from it as it comes north.

Fortunately for our Sunday event at Seven Bends State Park, rain did not come that day, although it was cloudy. I helped with setting up tables and checking in ticket holders, but did not stay for the concert because I needed to get back to Charlie. He has separation anxiety and I don’t have a dog sitter on weekends. He is now okay for an hour to 90 minutes, but my volunteer shift was for two hours so I came right back home. I could see that he had been running in circles panting and drooling, poor thing. 

We’ve been doing separation training very slowly because he has other anxieties as well. We started with me being in the other room or just going out the door and coming back in, and then staying away a little longer. Worrying about his anxiety gives me anxiety too, but I try not to show it.

State Park staff did a great job putting up autumn decorations in front of the stage. Beats on the Bend is a fundraiser to support park activities.

Since I’ve been talking about Charlie, here’s a picture of him, very alert as usual.

And here is a selfie of me that I took today after voting. Virginia has early voting now and I took advantage of it so that I don’t have to stand in line on election day.


  1. Looks like you'll be getting a lot more of that wet stuff than those of us over here in the east. Careful out there!

  2. Charlie sets the pace of your life, Linda.

  3. We finally got a lot of rain, days of cloud and rain lately. Cute photos of you and Charlie. the park's decorations look pretty. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  4. We've been watching the hurricane coverage extensively, and I hope Helene exhausts itself by the time it get to you. Fall is such a beautiful season. You have put so much work into improving Charlie's life after whatever he endured in his previous life. Alana

  5. You are a great dog mom to Charlie!!
    I love the fall decorations in front of the stage.

  6. You're a caring owner to sweet Charlie. I hope he continues to be calmer about separations. Have a great weekend, hopefully not too much rain!

  7. Sounds like Charlie has a wonderful home and owner!

  8. Charlie is a lucky boy. Sweet photo of him and nice to see you too. I hope his separation anxiety eases. Seeing all the fall decorations are very nice. I think my favorite, apart from Charlie, was the one of the wet leaves. The first photo with the line of mist was lovely.


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