September 27, 2024

Rainy Day Art Show

Millwood, VA

On one of this week’s rainy days, I went to “Art at the Mill.” Here we see raindrops in the mill race above the dam. The next scene is taken from a window in the mill.

This art sale benefits the Clarke County Historical Association. It lasts for two weeks and there’s always a selection of wonderful artwork.

I resisted the temptation to buy anything this time because my home is small and the walls are already covered with pictures.


  1. It's so easy to run out of wall space in a small home! I love the water patterns in your black and white.

  2. We are out of wall space too (well only in my wife’s opinion) but that doesn’t stop me!

  3. The art show looks wonderful, love the dog running and the landscapes. Have a great weekend.

  4. I do like the bnw picture with its different textures

  5. I would enjoy that exhibit. Your first photo would fit nicely into a frame on your wall :)


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