August 9, 2024

The Yard Sale Must Go On

Last night's storm brought winds and a deluge of rain, but it headed on north this morning. The popular Route 11 Yard Crawl is still on. It’s a major event in Shenandoah County, with hundreds of people setting up tables and booths all up and down U.S. 11.

This is what the North Fork of the Shenandoah looked like this afternoon: muddy and roiling out of its banks.

Some people set up for the yard sales today, although the big day is tomorrow. Some will continue to sell on Sunday.

I stopped at one site between Woodstock and Edinburg. An artist named AJ Price was selling metal art, and various tools. Take a look!


  1. Many interesting items on sale

  2. I spy an old Singer treadle stand! Fascinating photos.

  3. I am glad the storm has moved on. I like the metal art.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. ...I wish that I had been there.

  5. I can pass on all of those treasures.

  6. Looks like fun. I try not to stop at places like that because it's so tempting to buy (we're trying to de-clutter our house).


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