August 10, 2024

Doggy Likes and Dislikes

Hi, it's Charlie. I have some likes and dislikes to tell you, but first I'll show you a couple of kittens. There was a pet adoption event at a store that we went to. There was only one dog and he was really big, and there were a bunch of kittens and they were very small .

A lady was holding one. I was not allowed to play with it which seems kind of unfair, but they are just little baby cats.

I like cats, but I’ll tell you what I don’t like. I don’t like riding in the car. Mom says it’s necessary in order to go places.

I don’t like hard rain either. We had too much of it this week. I got wet.

Yesterday Mom drove to Chapman Landing to look at the river. It was flooding at the low bridge. The road is closed, but they let you park near the boat ramp, which was also under the water.

Today we went to the dog park, but none of my friends were there. We hung out there for a while and then as we got ready to leave, another dog came but he was not friendly, and he barked at me in a mean way. I don’t care.


  1. Love that picture of Charlie with his tongue out. It is almost like he is sticking his tongue out at the mean dog as you drive away!

  2. Hello,
    Cute photos of Charlie and the kittens. I think you had more rain there, we did not have the flooding here.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. I guess you are never going to like riding in the car Charlie, but if you want to go to the dog park to race around with your friends there is no choice.

  4. Charlie, you are such a handsome woofie, We love the pictures of you.
    What a lot of skywater you must have had for it to flood. Here, there's no chance of rain in the foreseeable future.

  5. Little kittens are so fragile, I guess that's why Charlie didn't get a chance to meet them in person. I hope he somewhat settles with car rides in order for Mum to take him interesting places. Water looks pretty high from Debby rains.

  6. Hello Charlie :)
    I like all your photos, you always have a sweet face, and sweet nature too. The photo of you with your tongue sticking out is so cute.

  7. Aww... it's a shame you don't enjoy car rides. Those are cute kittens and the art is lovely!

  8. Those kittens were silly, Charlie. I bet. you would have been very gentle with them. Or not?
    best, mae at

  9. You sure got a lot of rain! We had some but no flooding. Glad you got to see some kitties and ride in the car. I hope you get used to it some day. Me too! lol

  10. glad for the rain last week. we need more but so glad for what we received. take care this week. stay cool for the humidity. i will be so thankful when fall (autumn) arrives. i am trying to be patient but i am so ready. lol!! bye for now. ( ;


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