August 3, 2024

One Dog and Multiple Ducks

As promised yesterday, I will show you some ducks, but first here's a picture of Charlie artified in Picsart.

The ducks reside at Stoney Creek in Edinburg. You can view them from the parking lot at the historic mill.
The Male Mallard is Colorful.


  1. Lovely photos of mallards.

  2. The duck play is so fun to watch

  3. Hi Linda :)
    Lovely captures of the ducks, and I particularly enjoyed seeing both the last photo, and Charlie of course
    All the best

  4. The male still doesn’t have all his finery!

  5. Amazing how mallards and their close relatives live everywhere on the planet.

  6. The duck pics remind Mummy of the lake in Regent's Park, London, where She grew up.

    Such a lovely picture of Charlie - sweet woofie!

  7. Nice visit with mallards, perhaps some young ones who haven't got their mature colors yet.

  8. Lovely photos of the ducks and we love the close up art of you, Charlie!

  9. Wonderful shots of the ducks. Your looking good,

  10. what a wonderful, artful picture of charlie!! awesome timing on the last image of the duck!!

  11. Love the pictures of the ducks, especially that last one!!

  12. Beautiful captures of the many ducks. The doggy's painting is really beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

  13. I like seeing their feet! Neat photos of the ducks and beautiful art photo of Charlie!

  14. I don’t think I have seen a mallard with a green beak, but it could be that I haven’t paid enough attention. You got a nice collection of bird photos, and that is a very cute artsy picture of Charlie

  15. Cute image of Charlie. I love all the ducks. Great photos. Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.


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