August 19, 2024

Mural of the Bends of the Shenandoah

This mural is in the Social Services office in Woodstock, Virginia. It  shows hot air balloons sailing over the Shenandoah River. The river winds back-and-forth due underlying geology. 

This office shares an entrance with the health department. It’s in a shopping center on the north end of town.
Monday Murals / Mosaic


  1. Beautiful mural, I love the hot air balloons. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. That would be an incredible landscape to ride in a balloon over!

  3. Lovely mural with beautiful colours. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  4. Great mural...I love that the river really does that!

  5. The mural sounds delightful—hot air balloons over the Shenandoah River must create a beautiful and uplifting scene! It’s great that such art brightens up the Social Services office.

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  6. That’s a beautiful mural! It would be very calming in a waiting room.


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