July 27, 2024

Charlie’s Critter Report

Hi, it's me, your friendly neighborhood beagle.

Sometimes we sit on the back deck. Look what I saw from there.  It stayed in the shadows. Mom calls it a groundhog. She doesn’t like it because it makes holes under the house, and eats plants in the garden.  

Sometimes Mom plays on the computer. She told it to draw a royal-looking dog. I can tell it’s not real because it has extra ears and toes. 

Yesterday we took my friend Sadie and her mom to the state park. We saw a deer, but my mom didn’t take pictures because it was far away. It looked like this one though.

I saw a dog who was driving a car, I think. Mom won't let me drive.

On Friday, Lynn brought some people over and they worked on the window and made a lot of noise. I made noise back at them. We don’t have pictures of that either. Mom had her hands over her ears.

We do have a picture of me with one of my critter toys in our car. I guess that’s enough for now.


  1. Funny about the extra ears and toes on the dog art!

  2. Hello,
    Charlie is a cute dog, I love the deer and groundhogs are not my favorite critter. We have some holes in our yard and they love to eat our flowers. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Such a friendly looking beagle. :-)

  4. What's that, Charlie? Your Mom won't let you drive? How mean! (mol)

  5. ...keep reporting, Charlie.

  6. Thanks for a Charlie report! Love his toy with him in the car...too bad he doesn't get to drive. Wonder if that would calm his anxieties...but of course might make mum's anxieties go through the roof!

  7. In that AI image, Charlie looks like a good soldier

  8. You're such a cute beagle! I love hearing about your adventures. It sounds like you had lots of fun.


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