July 28, 2024

A Glimpse of Sherando Park

Stephens City, VA

Sunday Best / H2O

This park is in Frederick County. It would be easy to confuse the name with Sherando Lake Recreation Area, but that’s a couple of hours south in George Washington National Forest. Both are based on an old word that is synonymous with Shenandoah, a name of native American origin. 

The original Native American word is lost to history because it was written down by white explorers who used whatever spelling made sense to them. Other spellings include Senedo (pronounced Shenado), and Gerando. The name probably referred to the river, but there are also stories that it was the name of an Iroquois chief.


  1. It’s a tragedy the way that native languages have been lost, and with it the identify of the people. What a sad chapter in history.

  2. The fountain is pretty, it is good to have the water circulating. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  3. It's great to consider how many Native American words do continue in use in America today (even if not truly correct!)

  4. In the name of culture and spelling!!
    Nice fountain, first time I see something like this in the water!!


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