June 13, 2024

The Sky at 9 PM

I didn't feel like going back outside tonight, but Charlie insisted. I think he wanted to see if any of his dog friends were out there, but they weren't, although we heard a dog barking in somebody’s backyard.

There was still a touch of blue in the sky. The weather has been warm this week, but not unbearably hot. Next week is supposed to be much hotter. We haven’t had rain all week, so I told the man who was going to cut my grass tomorrow not to come, because the grass has not grown since he cut it last time.



  1. I think it's a good decision to cut the grass later! Beautiful walk at dusk with Charlie!
    The sky is beautiful cloudy!!

  2. ...I love the long days.

  3. I hope Charlie admired those gorgeous clouds and gave you extra licks for being so accommodating!

  4. Yep, reaching into the 90s here today!

  5. It's good that Charlie insisted because you got a couple of good sky captures while you were out. Nice! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  6. Beautiful to see the moon peeking through the clouds!

  7. It's a nice sky!! Fixing to get hot here as well. We have had a wet spring and is now drying out. I went to start up the sprinkler system and I suspected our fencing contractor cut the wires when he removed the old fence. It wasn't his fault. The guy that built the original fence 24 years had the wires encased in a post hole. Oh well.


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