June 13, 2024

Nineteen Years of Blogging

Blog Post #8741

I began blogging on this day in 2005. That was a long time ago and it feels like it. Since then, I have moved four times and gotten divorced. I have also gotten a lot older.

When I started this blog, we were living in Glebe Harbor in a rambler facing a cove. I could watch birds from the deck, but that was the main thing the place had going for it. The internet connection was horrible because it was over an aging phone line, and pictures took forever to load. For that reason. I only posted occasionally and I shrunk my photos before posting them.  Often I composed a post offline and drove to the library to upload it. 

We were also a considerable distance from any real shopping. I had to drive over an hour to buy dog food because one of my dogs was allergic to chicken and the other was sensitive to grains. By the end of the summer, we were ready to move back to our smaller home in the mountains.

Some of the pictures I posted in 2005 were modified in Photo Deluxe, a predecessor to Photoshop Elements. Here are a few, small in size due to the slow speed in uploading and downloading pictures. 

Thank you to everyone who follows this blog and takes the time to comment. I love hearing from you.


  1. I really like to read stories about how someone started a Blog or what they expected from Blogging or about the conditions (I, although I had opened an account a long time ago due to lack of time, now I started writing and I really like it). I wish you many many more years of blogging, Linda.

  2. I love seeing where/what you've been up to on this blog. Thanks for keeping it going!

  3. Thanks for providing great enjoyment over many years. We are in your debt.

  4. That is a lifetime of blogging uninterrupted. I admire your determination and photographic excellence

  5. Wow, congratulations on 19 years!! Lots of water under the bridge, as they say.

  6. You're an active blogger, 19 years is a long time and you've shared a lot of life stories and created a lot of posts. I wish you many more fun times on your blog and I hope you will share them with us.

  7. Congrats on a very impressive blog journey.

  8. You've been a very prolific blogger for a long time. For years I posted almost every single day.
    Instagram kind of takes up a lot of my online space these days.
    Kudos to you for keeping up the pace, posting interesting stuff almost every day.


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