May 19, 2024

Seven from Seven Bends

Charlie's post yesterday included photos from Seven Bends State Park. Since we went there three times this week, I have more photos. I narrowed them down to seven to show you.

The park is on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River and it’s very popular during the warm months. I have an annual pass and I make good use of it.

Sunday Best


  1. Looks like a great spot to go birding!

  2. ...a slice of paradise.

  3. Such a lovely place to walk or whatever. These are photos that just take me there!

  4. Any fish caught? I love a good mountain stream and the peace of just being.

  5. looks like lots of fun. love biking. not been fishing in years. lol!! ( ;

  6. Have you read "A River Runs Through It" - wonderful book and the first picture made me think of it. Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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