May 11, 2024


This is Annie, taking it easy in my opthalmologist’s office when I went there yesterday. She’s been coming to work with him since she was a puppy. Sometimes she visits other offices in the medical building to comfort an anxious patient. 

Tripod was taking it easy on the back steps until Charlie came along looking for a playmate. That didn’t last long because cats do not appreciate Charlie’s enthusiasm.

Speaking of cats, I generated one using StarryAI in Klimt style. 

I saw these peaceful sheep near Edinburg. 

I saw the little dog wearing a bandanna in Hillsboro.

And here’s Charlie on the couch. The brightly-patterned fabric is a beach towel.


  1. Love the American flag on that little dog

  2. Pets have such a hard life! And my cats agree!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Hello,
    I love all the dogs, especially Charlie. The sheep are cute too. It is great Annie can give comfort anxious patients. Cute photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post.
    Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.
    PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  4. Annie is a beautiful dog and no doubt receives more than her share of attention.,

  5. Annie looks exactly like our Dakota. Even down to the look!

  6. All the critters are beautiful! And We love your Klimt-inspired AI art too.

  7. Love the sheep and Charlie's beach towel throne!

  8. I think Charlie enjoys the soft towel better!

  9. Charlie is very thoughtful putting down a beach towel before he lies down on your couch ))). Silly kitty not welcoming his offer to play! That's interesting that your eye doctor brings his dog with him.

  10. The dogs all look very friendly and cute. Good pets. I’m amused by the AI “Klimt” because the face is completely conventional, not one bit like the painter’s creations. The AI generators have a long way to go with the challenge of imitating real art (but I’m sure they will get there).
    best, mae at

  11. The sheep are neat to see but Charlie is the star of course. I love the dog that helps calm people. When I worked at Hospice, we had dogs come in to visit patients. What a difference they make!

  12. What a lovely greeting from Annie. I can see she would be a big comfort. Your AI is a lovely creation. Always enjoy seeing Charlie.

  13. charlie...looks like such a sweet, gentle dog!! a comfort to anyone for sure. the sheep are so cute too!!


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