April 10, 2024

What Are You Looking at, Charlie?

By the time I got to the door, the critter was gone. It may have been a squirrel. 

It's possible that it was a bird, like this Carolina wren, but he sees small birds all the time and does not bother to stand up to stare at them. It could be a large bird like a mourning dove. 

Personally I think it was a squirrel or perhaps a cat. To his credit, he did not bark. Charlie is pretty quiet except for squeaking when he's sad and howling when he's scared. 


  1. He has a good view, looking out the door. He is a sweetie. Great captures of the Wren and Dove. Take care, have a great day!

  2. He has certainly seen something that interest him. What a cute dog! Enjoy your week and thankyou for visiting my blog this week.

  3. ...there is so much to see.

  4. Well he's somewhat of a watchdog, at least on his hind legs to let you know something is out there!

  5. Maybe he is mellowing as he gets older. Happens to most of us!

  6. Nice birds - but I love the look on Charlie's face! Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. Amazing guardian, standing on his own two feet and looking!!

  8. Amazing guardian, standing on his own two feet and looking!!


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