April 27, 2024

Last Weekend in April

Hi, it’s Charlie, bringing you an update. Today we picked up Miss Deborah and Mr. Frank and we went to Winchester. But first, Mom changed the backseat of the car. She took out the seat cover that I had customized and put in a doggy car seat. It could be zipped up to be a box, but I took care of that right away by chomping a buckle. I didn’t wanna ride in it. I had to sit in it when Miss Deborah sat next to me so that she had room, but that was okay because I really like her. She even put her jacket over me to keep me warm. When she got out of the car, I got back on her seat.

I took a short walk in Winchester. It looks like a nice town

We stopped at a food place and I had some snacks. After that, I took a long nap because the car is not my favorite place to be.

This week has been okay, but I stayed at day boarding three times instead of just two. I don’t like that my mom doesn’t stay there with me, but there are ladies who play with me and that’s fun. I see other dogs, but I don’t get to play with them. 

Monday was National Beagle Day and also Marie’s birthday and Earth Day, so Mom fixed up a picture.

We went to the state park a couple of times. There’s always interesting smells there. 

Mom said I should show you some critter besides dogs, so here is something that we saw from the car.

I hope your week was a good one. Be kind to animals!


  1. Hey Charlie! Sounds like a busy week with a new car seat (boo on the chomping!) and a fun trip to Winchester.

  2. Sorry you're having problems travelling in cars but glad you got to visit a nice town and had some snacks.

  3. ...Happy belated National Beagle Day.

  4. Charlie, I really think it’s past the time when you are chewing things. Maybe for you it should be called National Bad Beagle Day!

  5. Charlie, We hope that whatever you chew is at least tasty ;-)

  6. Hi there Charlie. Who's a good dog? Well you of course, when not riding in a car! Just keep your feet on the ground (or table top) and keep on wagging that tail!

  7. National Beagle Day!?!? We had two "beagle type" dogs in our life times. One was a mini-beagle, the other was a basset. Both disappeared one day and never came home. Separate days, years apart. Those dogs were wonderers!

  8. Happy Birthday Marie! Looks like a perfect day for Charlie...napping and snacking! I would like that trip too!

  9. Great post Charlie, so nice to read all your news.

    All the best Jan

  10. Happy Birthday and Beagle day! Enjoyed this post!

  11. Charlie, thank you for catching us up on stuff. Other than chewing on the buckle, it sounds like it was a really nice week for you and your mom. :)

  12. Life and the walk are more beautiful with company. Looks like you had a great time with Charlie. Have a nice day.

  13. Hello
    Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. Cute photos of Charlie. Happy belated birthday to Marie.
    Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  14. What did Charlie think of the chicken?


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