March 8, 2024

Scenic Skyline Overlooks

Yesterday at Shenandoah National Park

Although I wasn't planning to go to the national park yesterday, I decided to enjoy a little time there between errands. I entered Skyline Drive at Thornton Gap and drove south for 10 miles, stopping at several overlooks before heading back.

Although the resort area at Skyland was still closed for the winter, the weather was mild. There’s something refreshing about being in a beautiful place in the mountains.


  1. Lovely black and white photo. Yes - mountains and coasts refresh the soul.

  2. There is indeed solace to be found in mountains.

  3. Gorgeous views and pretty skies, cute selfie.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  4. ...I like the stark tree.

  5. Love the selfie...and always the mountains! Thanks for the comment about plastics on my blog. It's good to know more about them, and try to live with as few as possible. I've got a list a friend came up with of companies who are trying to use sustainable products, including in their shipping. I'll post it soon.

  6. Beautiful photographs.
    I like your selfie :)

    All the best Jan


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