March 7, 2024

One Week into March

March did not “come in like a lion” this year. We had fog and rain and wind, but it wasn’t really wintry. It definitely felt more like spring.

Since I’m usually outside early in the day to walk with Charlie, I’ve witnessed foggy mornings and took a few pictures. 

March 4

March 6

We had some nice days too, and I got to enjoy the local scenery.

North Fork of the Shenandoah 

Today I left Charlie at day boarding and drove to Front Royal for an oil change. My plan was to drive to Whole Foods for some groceries that I cannot find here, but I decided against it because it’s a long drive and can wait another week. This was a pretty day and the Blue Ridge Mountains are so close! 

All Seasons / Skywatch / H2O linkup

I still spent most of the afternoon driving, but it was beautiful.


  1. What atmospheric photos! Thanks for the ride in Virginia. Very nice post I liked the hot air balloon!

  2. Lovely photos and pretty skies. I love the hot air balloon. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  3. Spring has come early here. Every day in March has been warm and sunny.,

  4. Lovely scenery, as always. Rivers and mountains and sky - just beautiful!

  5. A beautiful set of photos you have for us today. I love fog!! I grew up in the desert and we had it only rarely but it was magical when we did get some.

  6. Beautiful skies. I like fog, perhaps because it's so rare in my neck of the woods, and it adds mystery to your photos!

  7. We have spring weather alternating with winter weather. I loved your first fog picture and the picture with the balloon, but they were all so nice to view. Alana

  8. It looks very wintery! That balloon shot tho, how gorgeous! ThANKS FOR SHARING WITH #aLLSEASONS (opps!)

  9. I do like the foggy scenes.
    So nice to see the balloon, and wonderful sky in your last picture.

    All the best Jan


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