March 20, 2024

A Short Post for Wild Bird Wednesday

This will be a brief post because my eyes are tired plus they feel irritated from traces of wildfire smoke. The fires are not close enough to be a threat at this time, but there are several in my county and even more across the mountains. 

It was a very windy day today. Lynn came to help fix a window screen and just before she arrived, the power went out. It turned out that a tall tree had taken down wires on Main Street. Lynn and Barb were able to fix the screen anyhow because we had enough light from the windows. 

I hadn't seen red-winged blackbirds in a while, but I saw several today. I like their song and the male's flashy wings. 

The usual birds have been coming to my feeders. Here we have a black-capped chickadee.



  1. Fantastic birds, I hope the fires are put out.

  2. Great photos, my favorite is the Chickadee.

  3. It is very early to be dealing with forest fires. I hope you receive several days of steady rain.

  4. ...I look forward to seeing red-winged blackbirds again.

  5. ...I look forward to seeing red-winged blackbirds again.

  6. I hate hearing of fires. And somehow this is when controlled burns are done...then there's high winds with warnings to not burn, both within days of each other. I had some breathing problems when there was a controlled burn near us a few days back!

  7. The red-winged blackbird is quite a handsome fellow!

  8. The Redwing will soon make their presence known here.


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