February 21, 2024

Walking a Little Farther

Along the Bass Bight Trail

This afternoon was sunny and mild so I took Charlie to Seven Bends State Park for a “sniffari” adventure. (A beagle can sniff so intently that he tires himself out.) We walked beside the river and he behaved pretty well. My ankles felt stronger than usual so I decided to walk farther today.

I saw a flash of bright blue wings, and was pleased when the bird alighted on a branch. All I had was my cell phone and the pictures are not very sharp because my dog was pulling the leash to go forward. But even the app on my phone identifies it as an Eastern bluebird.

The park has nesting boxes for bluebirds, and volunteers help maintain them.

We heard a woodpecker drumming loudly, and it frightened Charlie. It sounded like a huge bird, but I glimpsed it when it flew off, and it was small like a downy woodpecker.

Our progress was slow because there were many things for a beagle to sniff. We heard and saw some other birds. I couldn’t tell what these were, but the one in front was the size of a sparrow.

I had made a mental note a while back that the Chronolog stand was past the maintenance building after you go around a bend. Although I was concerned about getting tired on the way back, I decided to try to find it since we were almost there. I saw it just past the sign for the Paw Paw Trail. 

I took a picture from the stand and uploaded it as directed on the sign. It is now part of the time-lapse record. (I have also contributed to the Chronolog pictures on the Lupton side of the park as well as in Shenandoah National Park.) Then we headed back to the car. Our total distance was a little over a mile, which would have been an easy walk when I was younger, but now that I have a hypermobile ankles and arthritic feet, it feels longer. I am pleased that I did it though, because I want to be able to explore places. Maybe I’m not completely over the hill.


  1. Hello,
    It is a nice walk for you and Charlies. Is there special socks or shoes that would help you on your walks?
    Love your cute Charlie and the Bluebirds. Take care, have a great day!

    1. I haven’t found socks that help but shoes with ankle support are a must.

  2. ...enjoy your beautiful weather.

  3. I'm quite impressed with your distance of this walk. Indeed you aren't anywhere near "over that hill." So sweet to see Charlie, and dare I suggest, that his wanting more walkies might help with your ankle/foot problems a bit? I know these conditions don't just go away with exercise, though.

    1. Yes, walking is healthful. As long as he doesn’t pull me over!

  4. The bluebirds are one of the first to arrive in our area each spring, perhaps winter is in the past?!?!

  5. Yes, I enjoyed this virtual walk very much. Get well soon.


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