February 22, 2024

A Day of Mixed Weather

Every morning I check the weather forecast so that I know what to wear. Today started out cold but cloudy, with warmer temperatures and a brief period of rain in the afternoon forecast. Virginia is in a temperate zone, which seems to mean that it could be winter or summer on any given day. Our weather has always been a bit odd, and it has gotten more erratic over the years.

I took this picture shortly after the rain let up the first time today, leaving the walking path at the county park looking wet and shiny. I had already driven through a violent rainstorm that had thunder, lightning, and hail. For a minute, I thought the hail might crack my windshield! It didn’t last long and I was able to do my recycling while it wasn’t raining. Unfortunately, our town’s recycling bins are rusty old steel ones, so the doors were extra hard to open from being damp. No one was around to help because sane people don’t do their recycling in a hail storm. I got it done though.

I also did a little shopping and took a few pictures before the rain started again.


  1. Supposed to be sunby here today. Raining from a very gray sky as I write this. Nice photo.

  2. We have had a lot of cloudy cold days. I like the scene in the first photo. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. ...mixed weather, you know that it's spring.

  4. Glad hail wasn't too bad. Our rain looks like it may have passed through in the early hours...some blue is showing among the clouds.

  5. I had to chuckle because we must be in the same temperate zone. Days can be either warm or cold this time of year.

  6. Glad you survived the hail storm. That can be very scary (and dangerous!).

  7. We are in the Southern Tier of New York but I think our weather has been echoing your weather recently. Our winter has been stranger than normal recent strange, also. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  8. you had quite the adventurous day with the ever-changing weather! Dealing with a violent rainstorm, complete with thunder, lightning, and hail, can be quite intense, but it's good to hear that you made it through unscathed, albeit with some challenging recycling bin doors. The photo you took of the wet and shiny walking path captures the atmosphere of the day perfectly. Despite the unpredictable weather, it seems like you managed to make the most of your day by running errands and capturing some beautiful moments. Check out my new post

  9. Stay on the path!

    Visiting from Skywatch Friday group.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  10. That is a very nice path scene.

    All the best Jan

  11. Love the first shot of the wet road. Awesome
    I visited you via Childer's Cove, Great Ocean Road for Water H2O Thursday
    My links: with #2 I hope you will join us this week at Wed-Sat at #WordlessWednesday (words welcome) https:// esmesalon. com / tag / wordlesswednesday/ See you soon

  12. Two real nice photos. I like the winding pathway. Glad the hailstorm didn't present any problems.


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