February 17, 2024

This Week’s Critters

Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Charlie was not interested in dressing up for the occasion. As soon as I put the “Free Kisses” bandanna on him, he started trying to get it off. As for the headgear, I didn’t even succeed in getting that on his head before he shook it off.

On Thursday, I shared some scenic views from Shenandoah National Park. I saw some deer there too. This little guy was posing nicely until another deer came bounding through behind him.

One day I ran a couple of very minor errands in Middletown. They were so minor that I wondered if I should’ve even used gas to drive there, but then I spotted this friendly horse. It’s always nice finding a surprise photo opportunity.

“Toon” Effect / Art.


  1. ...was Charlie pleased to be dressed up?

  2. Charlie photos are always adorable. I love the deer and the beautiful horse. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. I love critter posts. All of them are adorable. It's been a while since I've petted a horse, so I think that was my favorite.

  4. Oh my, a horse that just appeared on the scene. He's a sweet looking guy!

  5. Charlie certainly looks adorable in his Valentine's Day gear, even though he didn't like his cute headband. Enjoyed your series of photos, love the deer and horse, and that effect you used.

  6. i'm laughing because ...i always say if the animals are happy and enjoy the "dress up" that is great but if not ...i feel sorry for them. some looks sad or like feeling like the wondering why mom or dad does to me. i come on. lol!! cute. ( ;

  7. We all want some of those KISSES! Hugs to you both!

  8. Charles certainly does not approve.


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