February 10, 2024

Along the North River

When I went to Bridgewater on Thursday, I took so many pictures that I'm dividing them into three posts. It was a beautiful afternoon.

 Some mallard ducks were enjoying the nice weather.

I was a little surprised to see the fountain in operation in February, but it was an unseasonably warm day.

Painted rocks form a “rock snake“ made by children of all ages. It is next to a Civil War Trails sign, which tells about the town and river during that war. The bridge had been destroyed, and at one point Confederate soldiers pushed large wagons into the river to use as a makeshift footbridge.

The large dam was built as a mill dam in 1877. It is an impressive spot to visit.

Although Charlie was not with me because he does better in daycare than he does on car rides, it doesn’t seem right to post Saturday Critters without a picture of him. 

Filtered in Picsart for Caturday.


  1. Hello,
    Looks like a pretty place, I like the river views, cute doggie and duck.. Charlie is a sweetie. The fountain is nice! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. These colourful stones are lovely

  3. Beautiful art and photos. Looks like a great place!

  4. Hello Linda :=)
    It looks like a beautiful place for a walk. Gorgeous views of the river and the water looks clean.Lovely capture of the duck, and Charlie.

  5. Glad to see that you featured a Mallard.

  6. ...it looks like spring is in the air.

  7. Beautiful pics - especially the duck.
    Love the picture of Charlie. He looks a bit like an Egyptian Pharaoh! The ears look like an Egyptian head-dress and the collar looks like a jewelled necklace!

  8. love the rock walk, so fun. happy. rainy today so good for the earth. enjoy your week. ( :

  9. Wow, it looks like you had some nice weather to enjoy that really nice place. Loved seeing Charlie, too, as always. :)

  10. Love the rock snake, fun way to get the kids involved (and hopefully learning some of the amazing history of their area as they added to it!).... I learned some as I read -- thanks for sharing.


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