February 1, 2024

A Corner in Strasburg, A Sky in Front Royal

The City Daily Photo theme for February 1st is “Street Corner. “ I decided to photograph a particular corner in Strasburg today on my way to shop in Front Royal.

This corner has always felt typical of Strasburg to me. The old log building has been added on to, and it’s next to a colonial style brick building. This is a main intersection in the town, with Route 11 and Route 55 meeting here yet both turning in different directions. 

I parked across from this house, which is also a log building that has been modified over the years.

After taking these photos, I drove to Front Royal and bought some pet food. I stopped to talk to the store's dog trainer to get some tips that might help Charlie. Then I made a brief visit to Shenandoah National Park, which is adjacent to Front Royal.

I only drove about seven miles on Skyline Drive, but I made a few stops. I saw some deer at Dickey Ridge. 

A little farther south, I was pleased to get a picture of a “sundog,” or parhelion. I drove back to Dickey Ridge and was rewarded with a lovely sunset.


  1. Good street corner and the sunsets

  2. Great to see those log buildings still standing, though with additions! Beautiful views, and what a sunset!

  3. Beautiful views of the sky and Shenandoah! Love the deer. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  4. It’s great that you take it all in.

  5. ...quite a mix of architecture.

  6. I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog one day a month so that I could participate in the city daily meme.
    I love how the two log buildings show modern updates and additions. That surely drives purist conservationist crazy. A good way to preserve buildings is make them practical and useful. We can't make them all into museums.

  7. You captured some very interesting buildings, But what caught my eye was the blue sky and the sundog. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  8. Gorgeous skies. Beautiful capture of the parhelion. I love those views along Skyline Drive!


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