January 31, 2024

I Think They're Robins

A flock of red-breasted birds were in a tree and at least some of them were robins. They had narrow beaks, not the short thick beaks that we see on cardinals and house finches. And I've seen groups of robins in this tree before. It's visible from my back door.

 For those who aren't familiar with the American Robin, here's an older picture of one in a tree. 

Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Yes, they look like Robins to me too. Great photos and a pretty blue sky. Take care, have a great day!

  2. They are indeed robins, Linda. Lovely companions - all Progressive Democrats too. Not a trumper amongst them.

  3. ...they have left our place.

  4. One of the first signs of spring in our area. We are always glad to see them return.

  5. Happy first of February and those robins!

  6. If David says they are American robins, then they are American robins. We haven't seen any yet where I live in New York State but last winter we saw them a number of times. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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