January 9, 2024

Sculptures Honoring Horses

National Sporting Museum, Middleburg

Tuesday Treasure / Wordless 


  1. ...I've never thought of horses as being casualties of war.

  2. The horse statue looks so real life like

  3. They have served us well and we have not always been kind.

  4. I love the sculptures and horses! Take care, have a great day! Take care, have a great day!

  5. Have you ever seen the movie War Horse. Interesting, brutal, fascinating and sad all at the same time. Horses played a huge role in several wars.

  6. I love the idea of a memorial to the animals who lost their lives - we too often forget that our conflicts have much broader implications.
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  7. Great to see these horses memorialized!

  8. Dear Linda, it's good that the horses are remembered here who can do NOTHING about a war and who don't necessarily want to do sports either...
    I wish you and everyone you love (humans and animals) a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year 🍄🍀!
    All the best, Traude

  9. It's a beautiful statue and a very touching memorial.

  10. Our animals in war memorial pays tribute to them.


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