December 22, 2023

Yesterday at Bolivar Heights

After some shopping yesterday, I stopped in the park on Bolivar Heights to eat one of the snacks I had just bought. I took a few pictures and met this friendly dog and her owner.

This hilltop is a Civil War site. In 1862, President Lincoln reviewed the troops here. In 1864, Union Major General Phil Sheridan’s army occupied this area.


  1. Great photos, love the dog walker and the landscapes.
    Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.

  2. ...I like looking beyond the cannon.

  3. That’s a big dog! Hope it was friendly and gave you lots of licks.

  4. We were in your state last week, spending the night in Weston, WV. I don't know where Squirrel Ridge is, but you have one beautiful state!


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