December 23, 2023

Critters on Festivus

Festivus is the day before Christmas Eve. It was made known by a Seinfeld episode on TV in 1997.

Decorated in Picsart for Caturday and Critters

Charlie celebrated by getting a hamburger at Wendy's and taking a walk at Seven Bends State Park.

A number of new benches are donated.

I scanned the sky for birds and saw a hot air balloon instead. It seemed like a cold day for a balloon tour.

I was hoping to get a shot of the balloon from the bridge, but it had moved on. A short while later I saw it just above the tree line on the far side of town. This farm is right on the southeast edge of Woodstock.

Well, Christmas is coming and I’m not ready yet. Are you?


  1. Fun series and Charlie looks great. Nope, don’t have all my things ready. Usually the way :). Happy Festivus Linda and Happy Christmas Eve.

  2. What a wonderful series. Love Charlie

  3. Linda, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Love the Charlie and the cattle images. The views of the park are pretty. Great sighting of the hot air balloon. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. I wonder if politician fuel hot air balloons these days!

  5. Lovely pictures. Charlie looks very festive!
    Meowy Chrissymouse to you all.

  6. ...peace be with you. ☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

  7. A Wendy's hamburger?!? Does it get any better than that? Charlie think not!

  8. How cool to see a hot air balloon. So surprising, it would be for me.


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