November 12, 2023

Color in Kernstown

The town of Kernstown has been pretty much swallowed up by the city of Winchester. It is still known for Civil War battles that took place there in 1862 and 1864.

I stopped there on Thursday and noticed that irises were still blooming at Popeye’s.

I took a picture of Kernstown Battlefield from the Opequon Church parking lot.


  1. Love the photos, the flowers, the fall colors and the cows. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Those late-blooming flowers are lovely.

  3. ...the last one is my favorite.

  4. sounds familiar, but i am not sure if we have been through or around there. i need to check. have a super great week. fall is so great. hope you are having a blast as well. ( ;

  5. The first of the photo, thanks Linda.

  6. Read earlier today about all the smoke coming from the SNP fires.

  7. What a lovely variety of Irises. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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