September 1, 2023

The Theme is “Bottle.”

City Daily Photo Theme Day

Themes can be challenging. They can force you to break your usual patterns and photograph something new. To me, that’s a good thing. It’s one of the reasons I like weekly link-ups too.

For the topic “bottle,“ I wanted to do a bottle in colored glass. I decided to photograph a couple of my hummingbird feeders, which are basically glass bottles turned upside down and screwed onto a feeder tray with special ports. The bottles are made to be colorful in order to attract hummingbirds, which are instinctively drawn to bright flowers.

As soon as I started to go out to my deck, I saw a couple of hummingbirds flying around. They were darting around so quickly that I could not focus on them. I took a picture of the feeders and then sat down so I would not scare the little birds.

They came back but did not perch; they just buzzed around. Here we see one in the upper righthand corner.
I was not able to get sharp photos of the birds because they kept zooming around. I was glad to get a couple of recognizable pictures because I have not had any luck photographing hummingbirds this summer.


  1. Your hummingbird feeders are quite wonderful. Not only are they functional and attractive they represent recycling in action. Bravo on all counts.

  2. Delightful photos! Those hummingbird feeders are very pretty with their different colored glass and designs.

  3. Beautiful feeders. Sorry the birds were against the brightly lit bushes beyond, but they did get captured anyway!

  4. Your feeders are beautiful and must look great when the light shins on them.

  5. I do like those hummingbird feeders.

    All the best Jan

  6. I love hummingbirds , they are adorable birds. The bird feeders are attractive looks alike fancy lampshades. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  7. Great feeders! I don't do the monthly theme, but I totally agree with you on the value of link-ups and how they can make us think outside comfort zone .


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