September 30, 2023

Petting Zoo Critters plus a Note from Charlie

At an Event in Edinburg

Charlie’s Adventure 
Going to the dog park is the best thing ever! So when Mom drove to Fairview Park yesterday, I got really excited. I jumped out of the car as soon as she opened the door, before she even unbuckled my seatbelt. I shook my head to take the collar off, and I started running up the path. She called me, but I already knew where to go so I kept running.

The gate to my play area was closed but some of my friends were inside. I ran back-and-forth in front of the gate until my mom caught up and opened it. I ran inside and waited for her to open the other gate, which she did. Oh boy! 

I was so excited the other dogs got excited too, and a little rough but they calmed down and we had fun. There was a golden dog and I chased her and she ran in the tunnel. I don’t go in tunnels so I went over the hill and met her on the other side and she ran through again. I got to show how fast I can climb and jump.

I chased a ball too, and raced some other dogs. Some of them barked, but I didn’t because I don’t bark much, plus I have to save energy so that I can run faster than my friends. Finally I got tired and stood in front of the gate to tell Mom I was ready to rest. Mom looked like she was ready to rest too. 


  1. Sweet photos but you Charlie take the top billing :) Sounds like you were like a horse out of the gate at the races. It’s great you get excited to see your friends. Glad that you had a good time with them. I’m sure just looking at you all tired your mom out. Lucky pup you are :)

  2. Petting zoos are fun!
    Hi Charlie, glad you had a good time with your friends!

  3. It sounds like Charlie had an absolute blast at Fairview Park! Great shots!

  4. Cute critters and Charlie is adorable. He must love the dog park. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Maybe you used so much energy you even slept on the way home and didn’t chew anything to pieces.

  6. the hubby and i past a field ...i said it was a mule he said a horse. i just have been around a few animals ...not an expert by any means ... no clue how to figure who is right or not?? critters are fun either way. happy weekend. ( ;

  7. Charlie, it sounds like you had a really wonderful time!

  8. I used to enjoy taking small kids to petting zoos, then the kids grew up and took their kids. Now there's the proper food available for the kids to feed the various critters. I always enjoy hearing from Charlie...what a wild one! Glad to hear he doesn't bark much.

  9. What an adventure you had, Charlie.

  10. What a treat Charlie! I hope both of you took a good nap when you got home!


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