September 29, 2023

Food Truck, Puerto Rican

In the first photo, a worker is pouring water (melted ice) out of a cooler while a customer waits for her order.

I don't see a lot of food trucks here. I know of one for seafood and one for donuts. This one advertises Puerto Rican food. That's not too surprising because Shenandoah County’s largest minority group is Latino.

I don't know much about Puerto Rican cuisine but I read an article and it sounds awfully good.


  1. Foodtrucks are photogenic ! i'd like one here in Paris with puerto rican food

  2. Your black and white photo has caught fine action!

  3. I know nothing at all of Puerto Rican cuisine, but I would be first in line to try it.

  4. Hello,
    Food trucks are popping up everywhere. A donut truck sounds great. Take care, have a great weekend.

  5. ...we have a Puerto Rican restaurant I enjoy going to.

  6. food trucks are the up and coming thing. My grandson-in-law has one that is very succesful in Bend, Oregon.

  7. We have lots of food trucks in Tulsa. Being an old guy I prefer places where you can sit down and eat and with utensils.

  8. I would definitely visit the food truck for a treat

  9. Good use of light in both photos.

  10. We have some in our downtown core, and beyond.

  11. I checked out the article and the food looks delicious!


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