August 2, 2023

Turkeys and a Butterfly

Wild turkeys appear to be more common than when I was a kid. It isn't often that I get a picture of them though, because they hurry away before I get my camera ready. I was glad to get a picture of these in Fort Valley.

I was glad to see another tiger swallowtail today. I haven’t seen many butterflies this summer, and a friend said the same thing. Perhaps it has been too dry for them. I did see a black butterfly the other day, but it was obscured by plants. It could’ve been the dark morph of a tiger swallowtail.



  1. The butterfly is so beautiful!

  2. Great sighting of the turkeys, I love the Butterfly.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. To live in a calmed place like this is very good for the Peace and calm around you.

  4. The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail looks gorgeous. It IS gorgeous.

  5. ...we are enjoying swallowtails too.

  6. Yay for all those wild turkeys! And a swallowtail too!

  7. I can never look at a turkey without thinking that it could have been our national bird. :-)


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