August 22, 2023

Naked Ladies and Other Delights

 Sky Meadows State Park

These pretty lilies are sometimes called naked ladies or surprise lilies because the foliage disappears before the flowers suddenly appear.


  1. To speak of naked ladies in Virginia is probably okay but watch out if you use such seditious language in Florida, it might get you run out of town!

  2. Pretty flowers, my neighbors has these flowers lining his driveway. Love the butterfly. Take care, have a great day!

  3. ...Sky Meadows State Park is a wonderful name.

  4. I think I would like to have grown some of these, back when I had a yard with gardens...sigh, another lifetime perhaps.

  5. What amazing vistas! And the naked lilies are really wonderful. :)

  6. Beautiful views and flowers. I have never heard of that lily before.

  7. Lovely views and pretty flowers.

    All the best Jan

  8. Neat name for them They look attractive without the foliage!
    Thanks for sharing at

  9. Lycoris lily aka surprise lily is attractive plant. Its sudden blooms out of nowhere makes it worth adding in your garden, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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