August 23, 2023

Bad Birds

Actually, the birds are fine. It’s the images that are not so great. This picture of a robin looked good in the thumbnail but when I enlarged it, I saw it was not sharp except for the wing. I like the pose though.

I enjoy playing with image generating apps, and I often make a picture or two before breakfast. I thought maybe a picture of some birds in a garden would be refreshing, but AI got confused (as it often does) and combined the goldfinch and the blue jays. 

This goldfinch portrait came out nice and sharp. It's not a real bird though; it’s a a model in the visitors center at Dickey Ridge. That’s in Shenandoah National Park near Front Royal.

I was there on Tuesday and I spent a little time just relaxing on a bench. The visitor center overlooks a beautiful mountain view.


  1. Your AI birds are fun. I like the Robin and the goldfinch in the visitor center. That view is spectacular.

  2. The AI birds are pretty. I love the view of the mountains. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. The model of the goldfinch with the thistle seeds is very well done.

  4. ...some days are diamonds, some are rust.

  5. Oh that Robin moved her head just as the shutter clicked (though not sure we can use those terms in photography any more).

  6. The model goldfinch iswell done and beautiful.

  7. An interesting collection of birds ...

    All the best Jan

  8. The "bad" side of me want to get that goldfinch model and put it in a field in Australia - just to see the rarity chasers get over excited! Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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