August 13, 2023

Hopewell Friends Meeting House

Clear Brook, VA

Hopewell was the first Quaker meeting established in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Early Quaker settlers came from Maryland and built a log meeting in 1734. After it was destroyed by fire in 1757, the limestone building was constructed.

I found this building by checking the HMDB website for nearby historic sites when I was visiting Clear Brook Park. When I arrived here, I felt like I had been here before with Professor Poland's class. If it was not this Quaker Meeting, it was one that looked very much like it. But that was maybe 30 years ago. 

The grounds feel very peaceful. The surroundings are rural. 

For these final two pictures, I used an app give them a painterly look.


  1. Hopewell is an interesting building - I've never seen a Quaker meeting house before

  2. Beautiful building and I love your barn art photo.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. All faiths believe in justice? When did that happen?

  4. ...if all faiths believe in justice, some do a better job practicing it.

  5. I like the Quaker's efforts for social justice, they are frequently in marches/demonstrations with us Unitarians.

  6. From outside it feels like a farm house.

  7. I love the old stone building, and all your photos are very nice. I would enjoy that gate to welcome people into my garden. I really like the painterly look on you last two photos. I have done some myself which I have set up to share tomorrow. Happy week Linda.


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