August 14, 2023

Artwork on the Paladin Downtown

Winchester, VA

After I read that Sarah Gallahan Art had painted new murals on a restaurant on Piccadilly Street, I drove into Winchester to see them. They are pretty spectacular!

Also on that block are murals painted on parking spaces. I was only able to capture a few of them because, you know, cars park there.

Mosaic Monday / Murals / Blue Monday


  1. Powerful bull and love the dainty flowers. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  2. Wonderful murals! Such a clever idea to paint the parking spaces.

  3. Hello,
    Great murals, my favorite is the flowers. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. Those murals are wonderful. Hope they will soon be able to add Donald Trump in a floral jumpsuit.

  5. ...spread the color around.

  6. Lovely murals, especially just painted right on the windows! Hope it lasts!

  7. Those wall murals are amazing!

  8. The flowers are my favorite, Linda, but I like the bull, too. Those are great murals on the street. Parking on them would be fun, I suspect.

  9. Wonderful. Thank you again for sharing, dear blogfriend and being part of

    Wish you a wonderful weekend, hugs by Heidrun


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