August 19, 2023

Charlie’s Progress Report

Hi, it's Charlie! Every day is a learning day when you are a young dog. I've been learning how to ride in the car without being scared, and that isn't easy because the car makes loud noises. It rumbles and vibrates and bumps! Sometimes I am brave and look out the window. Often I chew on something or keep an eye on Mom.

A good thing about the car is that it takes me to interesting places. My favorite is the dog park because I can run there, and jump or chase a ball. Sometimes other dogs come, and we play. I like to race them.

I also like going to places that have cheeseburgers. So yummy!

Another good thing about the car is that I can see big animals from a safe distance. Cows are really scary if you get too close to them. They're huge!

Do you see how those cows are in the water? I got in some water in our yard. I was scared at first because there was a thing that made the water spray. Mom turned it off so I could put my feet in the water. I don’t like it a whole lot, but it tasted okay.

I keep an eye on what is going on on our street. I didn’t have to learn that, because I am a dog and it comes naturally. Can you see the little dog in that driveway? He’s a nice dog. Most of the dogs on our street are not very friendly because they are the small and yappy kind. They think I am really big, kind of like I think cows are too big.

I am also learning to take my medicine. Ugh! It tastes bad, and I can smell it even if it is inside a treat. Beagles are very good at smelling.

I hope you are good at things too, and having fun whenever you can.


  1. Cute post Charlie. I like how your ears flip up when you run. You look scared in the first photo, I hope you learn to like riding in the car, especially since it takes you to fun places. Love the Charlie and the cow photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. so cute. some1 is having fun. those ears. what a blast!! happy week for ya!! take care. ( ;

  3. Oh dear Beagle Charlie! What a wonderful life you now have...except for cows mainly. But you could certainly outrun them, so you're quite safe.

  4. We agree - y6ou have the most adorable ears, Charlie.
    It's good you are getting used to travelling in the car and being less afraid. Think of the wonderful places you have yet to visit, which are too far away to get to without a car. Life is going to be so good for you, Charlie.

  5. Hey Charlie!
    It's cool you're keeping an eye on your street and learning new things, even taking medicine like a champ. Keep having fun and being an awesome dog!

  6. What a challenge to raise a puppy but he is SO cute! I don't like riding in a car either....but I like going places so it's worth the ride!

  7. Charlie is a good boy. Doing his very best for you Linda. "Well done Charlie"

  8. Glad you are doing good, Charlie.


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