August 18, 2023

A Pose that Dates the Photo

Chances are we all have taken a photo of someone talking on their cell phone. If these images survive for 100 years, our descendants will look at them and know what era they are from. I imagine that in a few years, we will all be using some device that does not require holding it up to the ear. Or perhaps people will even move past the need to communicate constantly via a phone. 

Black and White / Weekend Street Scene


  1. Love the way you captured this everyday street scene!

  2. Fine shot!
    I really can't see people giving up on their phones - they are more likely to give up talking :)

  3. Who knows what the future will hold?

  4. I also spot a few fast food eaters behind her.

  5. It seems like everyone has a phone up to their ears.
    Not me! Take care, have a happy weekend.

  6. I remember the first time I walked past someone talking on a phone, and thought they were talking to me, so stopped, but they just kept talking and walking.

  7. Dear Linda,
    a great photo! As far as mobile phones are concerned: there is already this "button in the ear" with which you can make calls without holding the phone to your ear. To be honest, I often find that even more strange. Because it seems as if the person is crazy and would loudly talk to himself / herself.
    All the best from Austria and have a nice weekend

  8. Very nice Street Candid! Great shot.

  9. excellent thought. Yes, we already see a lot of people talking alone because they have headphones in their ears and no need to speak into the device. in the past, people who talked alone in the street were schizophrenics. nowadays we don't know any more. Anyway, I really like this photo.

  10. Really good street photography and I totally agree with you.


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