July 29, 2023

Setting up a Petting Zoo

A few weeks ago, I watched a Mobile Petting Zoo getting set up. 

I’ve seen most of these animals before at local festivals.

Saturday Critters

I didn't stay long because I had left Charlie at home and he gets anxious when I'm not there. 


  1. The zoo is filled with cute animals

  2. Hello,
    The mini cow is cute, I love all the animals. Charlie is a sweetie too, great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a great new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment

  3. In the good looks department Charlie takes first prize today.

  4. That has great appeal. I wonder what Charlie would think of them.

  5. i really think it is great what these young folks do ...they really are talented. very cool. happy Sunday!! take care. ( ;

  6. What a great idea, to bring the animals where children will be able to visit them! Sweet Charlie with those adorable big brown eyes! Gotta love him!

  7. Charlie is wondering why you're not there with him.

  8. I never heard of mobile petting zoos until now. I need to research of any in the UK.

  9. Petting zoos are fun and Charlie is adorable as always.

  10. The mobile petting zoo sounds so cool! That calf looking like a dwarf cow is just too cute.

  11. i always enjoy seeing animals at festivals!! charlie is adorable...he has "puppy dog" eyes!!

  12. The picture of the goats peeking through the fence is awesome! Charlie is the cutest!


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