July 30, 2023

Hospital D, A Church in Burkittsville

Antietam Campaign, 1862

Burkittsville is a charming small town in Maryland, not far from Frederick. 

"Union surgeons turned Burkittsville, a quiet rural village of some 200 people, into a hospital complex after the September 14, 1862, Battle of Crampton’s Gap. The building in front of you, the German Reformed Church, was Hospital D."

You can read the rest of this marker on the Historic Marker Database. 


  1. ...churches often became hospitals.

  2. So many charming little towns are all over the East, and it’s so hard to get anywhere without staying on the Interstates and Turnpikes so one misses them! Your photos are always such a pleasure to see.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  3. Love the looks of buildings.

  4. Great chutrch. The white churches are not so common in Poland rather red brick ones.

  5. Good reason for people to get off the beaten track.

  6. Beautiful church! Take care, have a happy new week!

  7. That looks and sounds interresting, Linda!
    All the best

  8. Lost first comment, maybe this is a repeat. I liked seeing the little "Free Library" on the right in the photo of the church/hospital. We also have "Free Pantries" here.


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