July 19, 2023

Little Bird, Large Bird

Hummingbirds are so small and sweet! Unfortunately, I haven't seen one lately so this is from my cache of extra photos of 2021.

Last week I brought in the feeder on a hot day and have not put it back out. I worry that the sugar water will spoil or ferment in the heat. Since there are plenty of flowers in my garden, the hummingbirds should be fine for now.

The large bird I have to show you is an eagle, but it’s not a real one. This one was watching over a garden at Glen Burnie.


  1. Love the sculpture very much

  2. ...I like the little fellow.

  3. Hello,
    Love the hummer and the cool statue. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. Good plan not to let the sugar water be exposed to the heat.

  5. Never saw this bird in the real life!
    Thank you for sharing these images!
    Have a fine week!

  6. Hummers are quite a welcome sight.

  7. I like the hummingbird and a very impressive sculpture.

    All the best Jan


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