July 20, 2023

A Little Toy for my Phone

I got a small prism lens that clips on my phone. They call it a kaleidoscope lens but it’s more of a prism that repeats the center  in a circular fashion. Tilt the phone and you get more of a spiral. Zoom in and you lose the prism and get the subject only. 

I tried it on my iPad, but failed to center it properly over the lens so the images look cockeyed.

Here is the same window hanging taken with the iPhone.

I went out to a parking lot where I had views of the horizon and sky. 

Charlie went with me. He does not like riding in the car but he gets scared being alone in the house.


  1. ...interesting, I'm still learning how to make a call and answering them!

  2. Love the sky prisms fun photos. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  3. I'd never heard of this. It sounds cool.

  4. I've got a Kaleidoscope app on my phone...where you bring photos already taken into it to see, and possible save. Love this little doo-hicky thing. You took common dull photos and made them artistic!

  5. That's interesting. I still have all sorts of little trick cameras that do various things with images. I found them fun but the cost of buying and processing film got kind of expensive.

  6. That prism addition is fascinating. Like a kaleidoscope. Very interesting effects.

  7. That's a very cool lens. Never seen one before!

  8. We've come a long way from dial phones. I love the effects enough to consider buying one of those for my iPhone. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  9. I've not heard of this.
    I like the pictures you've shared here.

    All the best Jan

  10. What a fun thing to do with your Iphone plus photographs. Enjoyed this post very much.


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