June 21, 2023

Turdus Migratorius

The American Robin is a cute bird. I think it deserves a nicer latin name than Turdus migratorius, but that’s not up to me.

 I’m making this a short post tonight because my eyes are bothering me. I went to the ophthalmologist today and they used the drops that dilate my eyes and that left them blurry. I was very glad that it was a rainy day so I didn’t have to deal with bright sunshine tormenting my dilated pupils.


  1. Cute Robin, great photo. I hope your vision has improved. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. ...and nomenclature often changes.

  3. Turdus migratorius is a fine and very appropriate name. It means migratory thrush, which is exactly what this bird is. What needs to be changed is the idiotic term “robin” for this bird, which it clearly is not.

  4. Great little birds...some seem to stay around for the cold months, and some head further south. De Latin Words Ar WeerEd.

  5. A lovely bird.
    I hope your vision is improving.

    All the best Jan


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