February 11, 2023

Deer Along the Drive

Shenandoah National Park

On Tuesday afternoon, I took the long route home from Harrisonburg. That is, I drove east to Shenandoah National Park and took Skyline Drive north to New Market Gap. Then I took 211 west and headed towards home. I suppose it took a couple of hours extra to go this way, but it was worth it. The views are terrific, and the park is very peaceful in winter.

I saw a deer before I even reached Big Meadows, which is a great place to view wildlife. A beautiful red fox crossed the road in front of me there, but disappeared before I could stop to take a picture.


  1. You got some very beautiful deer shots. And what a great view from there.

  2. Very much worth the extra distance to see these beauties, the fox too. Great photos!

  3. Hello,
    I enjoy driving on the Skyline Drive. I love seeing the deer, the fox is a cool sighting too. Beautiful scenic view. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Beautiful deer scenes with the natural beauty in the background

  5. ...they blend into their surroundings.

  6. The deer are gorgeous! I love that thick fur on the one. And it would be awesome to see a fox. Happy weekend!

  7. I wonder if the buck will lose his antlers and grow a new set soon. Not very up to date in my knowlege of deer, but another blogger showed a buck who lost his antlers (in Canada). So glad you got to see the fox, and thanks for the view...it's lovely!

  8. Always nice to see deer.

    Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  9. Hello Linda :=)
    I'm glad you went the extra mile to see the beautiful deer, and fox. Great shots, and the scenic view is

  10. Oh I love to take what we refer to as a "long cut" ... at our stage in life shortcuts are seldom necessary and if you have a beautiful scenic place to drive through as you do it would be a shame not to go that way! Who cares about a couple of hours. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures from those hours!


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